What You Need to Know About Mining Coin
Mining Coin is a way of earning Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies by using your computer to verify transactions. It also helps keep a decentralized blockchain working properly, which could otherwise be vulnerable to fraud by fraudsters who spend multiple coins without verifying it.
How it Works
Miners use their computer hardware to race against the network to be the first to find the answer to a complicated mathematical problem, which is known as a proof of work (PoW). These computers compete in a lottery and the first to solve the PoW problem wins a set amount of Bitcoins. The winning miner also gets to keep the change from the transactions in the winning block, which is a form of transaction fee.
How to Get Started
The equipment required to mine cryptocurrencies differs from one coin to another. Typically, mining requires GPUs and CPUs, as well as the purchase of power for those machines. The initial setup costs can be very high, with a minimum of about a few thousand dollars in equipment needed to start mining.
Electricity Costs
The cost of electricity to run the mining equipment is a major factor in profitability. It can make mining hard for home miners, but institutional miners can save money by purchasing large numbers of rigs and sourcing cheap electricity.
Despite their popularity and the potential to earn a profit, cryptocurrencies are not a renewable energy source, so mining operations can produce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, crypto-asset mining can exacerbate local noise and air pollution from direct usage of grid electricity, as well as electronic waste from the discarded chips and software that miners need to use.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Mining
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, electricity usage for crypto-asset mining resulted in 140 +- 30 million metric tons of CO2 emissions per year globally, or about 0.3% of global annual carbon dioxide emissions. The growth of this industry may hinder broader efforts to meet U.S. climate commitments to reach net-zero carbon pollution, as it disproportionately relies on purchased grid electricity for its operation.
Environmental Justice Issues from Crypto-Asset Mining
The rapid growth of energy-intensive crypto-asset technologies can contribute to disproportionately large amounts of fossil-fired electricity demand, which can cause significant local impacts such as noise and air pollution, along with additional greenhouse gas emissions associated with the generating electricity used for these facilities. These additional emissions can exacerbate existing local air and water pollution, heat stress, traffic congestion, and other environmental justice issues for neighbors, particularly when the local communities are already burdened with other sources of pollution.
Because crypto-assets rely on cryptographic techniques to secure their operations, they are not based on traditional centralized technologies, and can be difficult to track. They can also be difficult to regulate. In addition, a growing number of countries are restricting or outright banning crypto-asset trading, because they can be a tool for illicit activity, such as gambling.