The Value of Coin Currency
When you think of coins, what come to mind? One of the first things that might come to mind is a silver dollar. That’s right – you can buy a silver dollar with a silver coin! Originally, coins were made of silver, copper, or nickel. But, in 1792, the United States passed its first coinage act, establishing a national mint in Philadelphia. In addition to setting out the guidelines for coinage, the act also established certain rules regarding the designs of coins.
The first appearance of Liberty on a coin dates back to 1793, when a large copper cent was first struck. This design was not popular, and the coins were criticized in the press and by the public. This design was largely due to the lack of artistry and technical difficulties. Liberty’s appearance on coins did not get a lot of positive press for many years, and its use was halted in 1804.
The value of a coin depends on its supply and demand. Coins with little demand tend to fall in value while those with a high intrinsic value increase in value. Coin collectors typically invest in coins that will increase in value over time. Another factor that affects a coin’s value is its condition. The higher quality the coin, the more valuable it will be. However, this doesn’t mean that you should buy coins simply because they are pretty.
The United States produces currency in its two primary locations: Washington, D.C. and Fort Worth, Texas. Each coin has a face value of one dollar and the phrase “IN GOD WE TRUST” or “E PLURIBUS UNUM”. A penny, a zinc-plated copper coin with the image of Abraham Lincoln on one side, is worth one cent. A nickel-copper blend is a little more valuable. A five-cent coin, meanwhile, has images of Thomas Jefferson and Monticello on the front and back.
If you discover that a coin is bent or otherwise uncurrent, you should immediately take it to a depository institution. Federal Reserve Banks reserve the right to reject a shipment of non-U.S. coins, and they also have the right to refuse coins with contaminants. You should also keep in mind that a bent or partial coin in your possession may be eligible for examination by the United States Mint. By submitting a coin under this provision, you agree to all the rules outlined in this part.
United States paper money has a limited lifespan. While they do last, they have a relatively high value. Some U.S. notes last as long as ten years, while others are only worth about five. As a result, you should never carry more than one type of currency. The US Mint produces coins in Denver and Philadelphia and distributes them to depository institutions. There is about $1.70 trillion dollars in currency in circulation as of January 31, 2019. Those numbers include Federal Reserve notes and U.S. coins.
Once the Revolution was over, the United States focused its attention on its war-ravaged finances. The Articles of Confederation had given the states and the Congress powers to coin money, but many United States leaders felt that exclusive national coinage was essential to maintaining national sovereignty. The issue of opening a national mint and whether to hire a third party to strike the coins was still unresolved. A coinage system should be independent of national politics, but it is still uncertain as to how to do so.